Course objectives أهداف الدرس
تقديم وتعمق في المفاهيم المتعلقة بأنظمة العد وتمثيل المعلومات (رقمي أو حرفي).
دراسة متعمقة للجبر البولي.
مقدمة في طرق تركيب الدوائر المنطقية المجمعة والمتسلسلة.
اكتساب المعرفة الأساسية حول هندسة الحواسيب ووظيفة مكوناتها.
هذه المفاهيم تشكل أساسًا لمواضيع أكثر تقدمًا تتعلق بعلوم الحاسوب (البرمجة، أنظمة التشغيل، الشبكات، إلخ).
The course syllabus consists of the following chapters:
Chapter 1: General Introduction
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of numerical systems and the
organization of the content.
Chapter 2: Number Systems
Presentation of number systems and the conversion operations between decimal,
binary, octal, and hexadecimal bases.
Chapter 3: Information Representation
Explanation of different binary codes and methods of representing numbers and
characters in computing.
Chapter 4: Binary Boolean Algebra
Introduction to Boolean algebra and the fundamental logic operators, along with
the simplification of logical functions.
Chapter 5: Combinatorial Logic
Design and analysis of common combinatorial circuits such as adders,
multiplexers, and decoders.
Chapter 6: Sequential Logic
Study of sequential circuits, including flip-flops, registers, and automata.
Chapter 7: Memories
Introduction to different types of memories, such as RAM and ROM, along with
their design and usage.
Chapter 8: Pedagogical computer architecture
Analysis of the functioning of an educational machine with its components,
instructions, and execution cycle.
by Pr. Mohammed Kamal BENHAOUA
- Teacher: benhaoua k
Introduction to practice the UNIX operating system. At the end of the course the student must be able to work on a UNIX (or LINUX) system.
- Teacher: omar smail
Algorithmic and Data Structures 1 is a foundational course in computer science that introduces students to the fundamental concepts and techniques used to design, analyze, and implement efficient algorithms for solving computational problems.
Key Topics:
- Introduction
- Algorithms: Step-by-step procedures for solving problems.
- describing algorithms.
- Conditional statements
- Iterative statements.
- Arrays data structures.
- Strings
- Personalized data structures
Main Objectives:
- Problem-Solving Skills: Develop students' ability to analyze problems, identify appropriate algorithms, and design efficient solutions.
- Data Structures Understanding: Introduce students to fundamental data structures and their applications in various problem domains.
- Algorithm Analysis: Teach students how to analyze the time and space complexity of algorithms to evaluate their efficiency.
- Programming Implementation: Provide hands-on experience in implementing algorithms using C programming language.
Pr. Mohammed SALEM
- Teacher: Amina HOUARI
Ce cours permet au étudiants de :
- Teacher: boudia cherifa
algebre de boole
- Teacher: Ahmed Boudaib
Parmi les objectifs de ce cours on peut citer:
Vulgariser l’ensemble des concepts de base d’un ordinateur ; Connaître la représentation des nombres ;
Connaître les principaux composants d’un ordinateur ;
Connaître les méthodes de synthèse de systèmes logiques combinatoires et séquentiels ; Acquérir une connaissance de bas niveau de la programmation.
- Teacher: Ahmed Boudaib