La matière "Langue Étrangère" est destinée aux étudiants de deuxième année licence d'anglais en vue de l'acquisition des compétences en français. Les leçons s'inscrivent dans l'approche actionnelle dans les cinq niveaux (A1 -A2- B1- B2- C )du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL). Les cours de cette première section A1 visant une mise à niveau chez ce public s'articulent autour de diverses thématiques qui relèvent de l'actualité: présenter et se présenter, s'informer sur l'identité, parler de ses passions et ses rêves, communiquer autour de la vie estudiantine et la vie professionnelle, se localiser, s'exprimer sur ses relations, etc.  

      Le cours mis en place sur cette plateforme propose également des des espaces de communication, des supports téléchargeables et des tests d'évaluation qui, entre autres, permettront aux étudiants de vérifier et consolider leurs acquis.

Get ready to explore the awesome world of language in our "Introduction to Linguistics" course made just for undergrad students. This class is like a cool map that shows you how language works – from how we talk to how languages change over time.

We'll dig into the sounds of language, the way words are put together, and what they really mean. We'll also travel through time to see how languages grow and evolve. It's not just about English; we'll peek into lots of different languages and find out what makes each one special.

In our class, we'll chat about why people talk differently, how languages connect to who we are, and why it's cool to speak more than one language. We'll have fun discussions and do some hands-on activities to practice what we learn.

By the end of the class, you'll not only know a bunch about how language works, but you'll also see why it's so awesome! So, get ready to dive into words and discover the amazing world of language with us!

    Before we start our lesson about the methods of translation, it is worthwhile to distinguish – first of all- between translation methods (or strategies) and translation procedures (or techniques).

This module introduces the basic training for mastering English sound system, particularly putting emphasis on British English, as well as basic knowledge on the pronunciation of American English. I will also focus on the pronunciation of phrases and sentences and practice of stress, rhythm, intonation, and linking. Students will also learn articulation mechanism of English sounds. They will also learn the use of International Phonetic Alphabets.

The aim of the course is to introduce students to English Literary periods as well as selected works from the studied eras.

Learning to write all types of paragraphs and essays.

The following items have been covered:

1. Basic Sentence Patterns

2. Dependent/ Independent Clauses

3. The Writing Process: Steps, purpose, audience, narrowing a topic, gathering ideas through brainstorming, clustering and 5 wh-how questions.